# About me: Pablo Antonio Navarro Reyes (@panreyes) ![image](/img/profile.jpg =200x200) I make software & games. From Castellón, Spain. Currently: - PiXE.es / Zpixe.es: I make tools for automatizing tasks for IT technicians. - PiXE SAT / Zsatt.pro: More tools for those IT technicians. - RAWRLAB Games: Make, console port & publish indie games, with Godot or SDL2. Even GameBoy games sometimes. - AMPA Digital: PHP software to manage an AMPA (Spanish word for Parent-Teacher Association), using Google Sheets as tables/storage. Stuff I made: - Worked for almost 18 years in IT consulting at Casalduch Informática. - DIVHUB.org: Community for DIV Games Studio based game engine developers. - BennuGD.org: Maintainer of BennuGD's website and forum since 2007. - PiX Juegos: Created many small open source games. 2006-2012. - DIV Project Manager: Made a tool to manage & export DIV-like projects (BennuGD1,2, PixTudio, Fénix, etc...) - CIBackup: Software to do and monitor backups. - VLCGames.com: Information hub for valencian game developers. Dropped project. - Aleshores.com: Employee time tracking software. It was good, but users didn't want full traceability. Dropped project. - Calderón Digital: Solution to securely distribute diagnostic results to patients. - Other things in my Github - A few private intranets: (They're private). Things I'm proud of: - My 2 daughters. - I make, port & publish games for Nintendo Switch and Xbox. - I made Spy Bros., a remake of Pipi&Bibi's, a good arcade game from TOAPLAN, creators of Snow Bros. - PiX Frogger and PiX Bros, two FOSS games I made in 2007, were included in Debian & Ubuntu for a long time. - PiX Pang, a FOSS game I made in 2006, had more than 100k downloads. - PiX Bros got the "Best portability" award at the contest "Tú también puedes" in 2007. - One time, a spanish developers magazine named "Solo programadores" published a CD with all of the PiX Juegos games. - Ruzafa's Nightmare won the first award in a contest in Castellón, and even got to appear in the press a few times for IP infringement complaints. - I'm helping a lot of games to reach Nintendo Switch and reach a wider audience. - I'm collaborating with the Godot community by maintaining a free Nintendo Switch Godot engine port. Feel free to reach me at panreyes @ thesame . com or panreyes at many places. And yes, this page is ugly. I do lots of stuff and my time is limited :) (Updated 2025-02-09) PS: This personal website has no cookies and does not keep your data.